About me

A mother, wife and civil servant, a conscientious citizen and patriot ----- my abiding love for books has made me try my hand at writing poetry, none of which is anything but the strictly spontaneous outpouring of a mind that prizes truth and harmony, above all else.

Friday, May 30, 2014

my reading glasses

what I like best about my
new reading glasses
is that they are new
unlike my distance glasses
which remind me of life's imperfections
or my rose tinted glasses
that keep alive my unwavering optimism
or the dark glasses I put on
when I wish to not see that which
I cannot change, like poverty
or the contact lenses that serve my vanity.
the reading glasses are new,
and suddenly I can read the fine print:
seize the day, there's no time for ceremony


Come on in, Come on in
I beckon to the bright days
that peep over the beaucarneas
lining the path to my doorway.
They look a little uncertain
of accepting my invitation
Come ON in, I plead in desperation.
Is that my flaxseed banana shake,
I hear my son asking from the kitchen
turning back to answer, I see in a flash
the reason for THEIR reluctance -------
How much of a good thing does one deserve any way !!

phenomenal woman??

I am no phenomenal woman, not me
yes,there are moments I am phenomenally weak
and others when my strength surprises me
but mostly I am fragile, prone to sentimentality
tears overpower me whether I'm sad or happy
sometimes its me, sometimes the world, sometimes my family
whatever it is , I'm never quite bereft of worry
yes, life is beautiful, there's no dearth of joys in this journey
but I'm no phenomenal woman, not me


with a will quite its own
my garden grows
and it grows better this year
without the lavish care
I had bestowed the years before
leaving me quite satisfied
as to His design
gardens and children apropos
when one has done all one can
and the soil is ready
I suppose its time to let go