About me

A mother, wife and civil servant, a conscientious citizen and patriot ----- my abiding love for books has made me try my hand at writing poetry, none of which is anything but the strictly spontaneous outpouring of a mind that prizes truth and harmony, above all else.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


एक नाज़ुक सा रिश्ता है
दोस्ती भी नहीं कह सकती
आशिक़ी भी नहीं
बरसों हुए मिले
अरसे हुए बात किये
फिर भी दिल का एक कोना
उसके नाम से महक जाता है
किसी रोज़ कहीं टकरा गए
यूं ही गाहे बगाहे
क्या नज़र मिलेगी
या पुराने शिकवे,
अब तक सुलगते ज़ख्म,
आज़माएंगे ज़ब्त, कहेंगे
चलो, घर चलो
किसी को तुम्हारा इंतज़ार है.
या फिर
उन्हें अनसुना कर
आँखों में नमी लिए
पूछूंगी उस से
क्या पाया तुमने
मुझे खो कर
(pvks )

Monday, May 11, 2015


have you lived a dream
so stark
you could reach out to touch
the smells were strong
the words resounded
in your ears
and yet
and yet
you knew all along
it was but a dream
your regrets come
back to haunt you
to give you a chance
to say I am sorry
the opportunities
you let go of
come back to say
here, I am back
the decisions you
did not make
or you did make
offering themselves up
for undoing
have you lived
such a dream
then you will know
why you woke up
with your heart thundering
your eyes moist
why you were silent
for so long
you thought perhaps
you had lost your voice.
you will understand
why you stepped
down from the bed
you did not wish to
let go of the dream
if you could have
you would have stepped back.
ah, dreams, the stuff
that life is made of
waking or asleep
i never quite know
whether i dream
a dream
or live in a dream
will i wake up
or will i simply stop
dreaming one day
and another life
would have dreamt
all the dreams
it was meant