About me

A mother, wife and civil servant, a conscientious citizen and patriot ----- my abiding love for books has made me try my hand at writing poetry, none of which is anything but the strictly spontaneous outpouring of a mind that prizes truth and harmony, above all else.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Gurbani 7

" jo mange thakur apne te, soi soi deve "

oft times, I am blessed
with that which I had not sought
watching, slipping through the cracks,
that which I had yearned for

is there a design beyond my ken
or is it randomness, that often
in abundance I receive
and as often, am left to grieve

(pvks)  © 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


The maali is here, my son told me
Could you ask him to prune the tulsi
pull out the onions, pluck the chillies.

I'm on my way to the gym, he replied
So with a grimace and a sigh
I stepped outdoor
to talk to Mirza Noor.

The heat hit me like a wave
I thought I'd get carried away
in a dead faint , or half crazed.

Mirza Noor stood in the sun
as thin as the hosepipe he held
an inquiring look on the gaunt face
covered with grime and sweat.
Half ashamed , I stepped back
to return with a glass of mango shake.

sweat, blood and toil on sun baked lands
is the price they pay for the food we eat
yet their troubles do not crease our brows
to their plight we pay no heed.

(pvks)  © 


if i close my eyes
i can hear the stillness of the mountains
the birds perched unseen in tall trees
that reach out to the heavens
and bring back the cool breeze
that soothes troubled minds
and weary hearts
so that hope remains alive
and plays its part.
from terraced rows wafts in the
fragrance of ripe peaches and apricots
and they linger in one's sight
long after dusk, when the mountains
and the skies above are lit up
by countless lights that
gaze down at the
solitary figure in the window seat
still as the mountains, a speck of eternity


were it not for the wind chimes
i would not know
that the wind blows
so much else there must be
that unheralded arrives and leaves
so much that we do not
or cannot know
yet harbour a
sense of superiority

a mother's heart

some day, my child, you"ll know
a mother's heart is made
of the sternest stuff you
can get hold of.
no setback, no failure
leaves a mark,
she can take
the harshest blows.
your affection may vary
you may weary of admonitions
rudeness may tempt you sometimes 

perhaps also rebellion 
on a mother's heart
these are like watermarks
that tears wash away 
and she is fresh as new 
the very next day 
to help you live your dreams.

hearts of stone

hearts of stone
that tears leave
a smear upon
and no more.
washed away
the next day
when tears
fall again.