About me

A mother, wife and civil servant, a conscientious citizen and patriot ----- my abiding love for books has made me try my hand at writing poetry, none of which is anything but the strictly spontaneous outpouring of a mind that prizes truth and harmony, above all else.

Sunday, June 14, 2015


I am yet to find a best friend
you know, the kind of friend
who sees you in your shabby t shirt
and messy hair and says, hey, what is
the secret, you are glowing
The kind of friend who laughs when you fall
and extends a hand to help you up,
exclaiming, come on, isn't Life all about getting
your breath knocked out but getting ready
to take the next blow head on
The kind of friend you can call after years of silence
and the conversation continues as if never interrupted
A friend to whom your silence speaks
to whom tears need no explaining
A friend whose unalloyed joy doubles your happiness
when you are together
Someone you can talk to without editing what you say,
with honesty and spontaneity, you know, straight
from the heart
The kind of friend who may not like the books you read
or the music you play or the clothes you wear
But who will search heaven and earth to get you what you like
And as you grow old together, you will share a treasure of shared memories.

1 comment:

  1. "Jo mangey Thakur apney te soi 2 deve"
    May your wish be true soon!
