About me

A mother, wife and civil servant, a conscientious citizen and patriot ----- my abiding love for books has made me try my hand at writing poetry, none of which is anything but the strictly spontaneous outpouring of a mind that prizes truth and harmony, above all else.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Dhruv (16th birthday)

on your birthday, my beloved child
what shall i wish for you
power? fame? wealth? kuch thir nahin
I pray instead
for courage when things get tough, they do
for kindness of spirit which forever wins hearts
for compassion that makes you belong to others
as much as they your kindred are
for steadfastness of purpose , for integrity.
go out in the world, my child, and find love
and laugh and cry and help and be helped
we have but one life, make the most of it.

1 comment:

  1. Great blessings: "I pray instead......" as " power,fame,wealth?kuch thir nahin"
